Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My Summer Morning and Night Routine

     Good Morning! Here is one of my requested routine for the morning and night! Usually I find these on youtube more because they are much easier to film then to write, but I found this actually really fun to write! It makes me thing out the routine I have set up for my self for years, that is just second nature for me! So here it is! Under the photo of my routine, I will explain all of the products I use and the stuff that I usually do.

 - Wake Up -
lol pretty self explanatory :)

- Check Social Media -
If I do not go onto my phone and check my social media, I end up going back to sleep and sleeping for another 2 hours. So for me, I have to have the brightness of my phone help me stay awake.

- Read 5 Pages -
If you read my summer bucket list, you would know that one of my goals is to read more books. And actually my goal is going well! I have so far read 3 books! :)

- Wash Face / Brush Teeth -
This is pretty much a standerd thing. But if anyone would like to know, I use the Clean & Clear Morning Burst Cleanser and the matching Gel Moisturizer!

 - Eat -
As I say again,this is a pretty basic thing. But sometimes I will grab breakfast from the cafe by my house. I adore their breakfast crepes!

- Respond to  email's -
In the morning I either get tons of school emails from my online summer school class or from my blog! 

- Get Dressed -
Sometimes, I get fully dressed because I am going somewhere. But other then that I usually just stay in yoga pants because I don't feel like going in the hot weather. :)

- Clean Up Room -
My room can get messed up from 0 to 30 seconds. Plus it helps me when I study to just have something clean to look at instead of looking at a messy room.

- Start Summer School Homework -
I am taking online summer school for world history. Reason is why is just so I can get the class out of the way. But it does help me keep on track because it forces me to keep a planner during the summer!

- Work on Blog Posts -
I try to make a habit of it of at least working on one blog post a day, either taking pictures of OOTD or of writing a couple of posts so I could get ahead! :)

Now onto my night routine!

- Finish the rest of my homework -
I like to split my homework amount for the day in half, just so then I have some free time to my self!

- Work on Blogposts -
Like I said before, I try to work on blogposts daily. But around this time of day I try to calm my self down and relax! And writing helps me relax! :)

- Take a shower / Wash Face / Brush Teeth -
Another basic thing to do, but during the night time I like to change my face wash and use the Clean & Clean Night Time Cleanser! 

- Read all of the blog post's on BlogLovin -
I try to make this another habit of mine. I like to keep my updated with the blogging world! Plus it helps me get inspiration for upcoming posts.

- Relax/ Read 10 Pages of a book -
This is also another thing that I like to do to relax! Right now I just started reading Mother's Night for my English Honors homework. 

- Sleep -
I try to get my self to sleep around 10:30 ish. I hate staying up super late during the school year, so this helps me to prepare my for school!

So there it is! My Summer Morning and Night Routine!

Whats you Morning and Night Routine?


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